Monday 3 February 2020

How and When Nunchucks Were Discovered?

Nunchucks or nunchaku is a familiar martial arts weapon these days. It is made of two wooden sticks and a chain or rope is used to connect the two sticks. 

Earlier, the sticks were wooden but today, steel nunchucks are also available in the market. They are similar to traditional ones, but the sticks are made of steel, and connected via a rope or chain. 

Today, there are many uses of this weapon. They are used for cosplay, movies, decor, and self defense etc. 

In America, it became popular when Bruce Lee used it in his movies. He displayed his skills to use it against his enemies in his movies during the 1970s. 

Since this weapon has become extremely popular nowadays. I feel it is necessary to explore its history. Also, considering that it has a very interesting history behind it. So, let’s unveil how it was discovered. 

The Agricultural Tool in the 10th Century

During the 10th century, Chinese used nunchucks as an agricultural tool. It was used by the villagers of China for reaping crops. 

It could easily cut and reap wheat, rice and other crops. So, it was originally not a fighting weapon. Rather, it served as a real agricultural tool.

How the Earliest Nunchaku Looked Like?

The earliest nunchaku looked like a flail and is very close to modern nunchucks. It contained two wooden sticks connected through a rope. 

Since the purpose of this tool was to reap crops, the power of the weapon was immense, However, it was not used for fighting or defense purposes. 

How a Chinese Emperor Discovered its Lethality?

During this time, a Chinese emperor battled Mongolians and eventually lost the battle. As a result, he had to leave his territory and had to march back to the Chinese mainland territory. 

Hence, he stepped back along with his army and settled in a village in the mainland Chinese territory. This is where the villagers fed him and took care of his troops. As a result, the troops assisted the villagers in their routine work. 

The emperor discovered a weapon that looked like a flail. He realized that it can be a lethal weapon that can assist him in battling the Mongolians. Therefore, he decided to make it a pure fighting weapon. 

How Nunchucks Was Used for Fighting?

The Chinese emperor gathered his troops and gave them a nunchaku each. They were asked to train themselves with the weapon. They learned different fighting techniques. 

For a long time, they practiced those fighting techniques. When the emperor thought that the troops were ready to take on the Mongolians, they marched towards them. 

The battle took place, and they managed to defeat them. Thanks to nunchucks, they were able to battle Mongolians and recapture their lost territory. 

Nunchucks Officially Became a Fighting Weapon

After that nunchucks became an official fighting weapon. Even today, it is recognized as a pure fighting and martial arts weapon. Nowadays, it is used for self defense, cosplay and many other purposes. 

Since it provides a longer reach, people are preferring it for self defense. Also, it is a lethal and solid weapon that can defend them against the attackers. 

Cosplayers love to replicate Bruce Lee and hence they use it and showcase their skills of using it on stage to impress their spectators. So, this is how it was discovered as a fighting weapon!

Read Also: What are Blank Guns and How are They Used?

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