Thursday 27 August 2020

Ninja Stars- A Source of Creativity And Defense

The remarkable and ancient warriors, ninjas were known as the most skillful class of Feudal Japan. Ninjas used various deadly, silent weapons to offend and defend, including ninja stars, ninja swords, and bows, etc.

Ninja star or shuriken is one of the most interesting throwing weapons. To know more about it, continue reading the article until the end.

What Is Shuriken?

It is an inspiring weapon with the simplest making. Shuriken is a sharpened, flat, metal piece with bladed edges. The shape can be circular, triangular, or square, etc. Moreover, the edges depend on the weapon’s type and user’s choice as well.

In the present era, Shurikens are found in a variety of designs in the online market. Some of them are specifically created, while some of them are improvised from different tools. The edges of shuriken are created so sharp that they can easily penetrate inside the skin and can cause deep cuts and damage to its victim.

Sometimes, it can cut arteries and cause severe blood loss of the target. So, such ninja weapons should only be used by a professional thrower.

Shurikens are also typically called throwing stars or ninja stars. Although in the past, they were designed in many different shapes, they are now commonly found in a star shape. As well, they are also available in customized forms as you can select the color and design of your throwing star according to your desires.

In any ninja’s arsenal, throwing stars or Shuriken were used as a supplementary weapon for swords or some other bigger weapons. These weapons possessed a tactical effect in every battle and they were necessary to carry along.

However, the term “Shurikenjutsu” was used for defining the art of making these Shurikens. And later on, this art was taught in different schools of martial arts.

Ninja Stars- A Fine Piece For Your Security:

Not only do they have historic value, but they are a symbol of creativity and perfection. The fine points are sharper enough to stab someone. Ninja stars are beneficial for hand to hand fight or close combat.

The sharp and intricate structure is the secret behind their popularity. You can hide them anywhere, and target your opponent without letting them know.

Incredible Ninja Star Techniques:

You can enjoy different ninja techniques with this vigilant weapon. You can throw it vertically or horizontally, like a frisbee or a knife. There is no perfect way, it is about your personal preferences.

Practice more and determine which tactic works well for you. Conceal a ninja star correctly in your palm, and don't lose the grip.

·         Horizontal Throwing:

If you want to throw it horizontally, hold it between your thumb and index finger. With a good grip, place your right hand on the left side of your body. So, your forearm touches your stomach. Now, throw it to hit your target.

·         Vertical Throwing:

For a vertical throw, you have to place your elbow properly and release the ninja star with the right force. It is all about the timing and tactic.

Both tactics require a tricky wrist flick with a great amount of pressure. Be it horizontal or vertical, it is fun to enjoy different ninja techniques.


Ninja stars are the most impressive and intricate ninja weapons from ancient times to distract the opponent. These are perfect weapons for the ninjutsu martial arts. Just train yourself to handle the grip and practice for the best throw.

So, if you are impressed with this ninja weapon, buy it from a top-ranked seller online and start practicing soon!

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Wednesday 10 June 2020

What are Ninja Weapons? How are They Used Today?

Ninja weapons are the weapons associated with the ninja warriors. They are used for self defense, combat, cosplay and decor. There are some popular weapons used by the ninja. There are many weapons that are associated with the ninja. 

However, not all of them belong to them actually. Since I am a fan of the ninja, I have collected a few weapons that really belong to them. Yes, there is evidence that these weapons were really used by the ninja warriors. 

Crazy fans of ninja like me are keen to have such weapons in their collections. Anyways, following are the ninja weapons and different ways they are used:


Shuriken or ninja star is a popular weapon used by the ninja. It looks like a star and has some edges on it. It was used as a tactical fighting weapon for maining. Also, it was a weapon that could cause distraction and panic among their enemies and let the ninja win those wars. 

Ninja Sword

A ninja sword is basically a katana with a long and thick blade. It has a dead straight blade by the way. It served as the basic fighting weapon for the ninja. In other words, it was their primary weapon during wars.



Kunai is a knife that looks like a small needle. It was also a tactical fighting weapon used by the ninja. It was thrown on the enemies like a ninja star. Today, it is being used as a throwing knife for playing the knife throwing sport. 

Self Defense & Combat Uses

Ninja weapons are mainly used as self defense and combat weapons. Yes, the ninja used them as combat weapons. Today, they are used for self defense against the attackers. Specifically,shuriken is commonly being used as a weapon for self defense and to get rid of the attackers.

Cosplay & Decor Uses

Ninja weapons also serve as cosplay weapons and decor items. These cosplay weapons are used by the cosplayers to play their roles on stage. In addition, they are used for decor as decor items. You can place them along the walls or in the display cabinets and use them for decor!

Monday 17 February 2020

5 Ways Ninja Stars are Used

Ninja stars are known by different names in different parts of the world. In Asia, they are more popular as shuriken. In the US, people know them as throwing stars as well. 

As the names suggest, they are shaped like real stars. You will realize some edges on these stars. Also, a few sharp points are there. 

These edges make them deadly and able to cause serious injuries. However, these are not used for fighting and defense purposes. There are several popular uses of these throwing stars. Here are five ways ninja stars are often used:

1. Warfare

Ninja stars were mainly used as warfare weapons by the ninja. When they fought their enemies, ninja used to throw these stars on their enemies. 

They served as secondary fighting weapons for these ancient warriors. This was a part of their strategy to take on their opponents. This allowed them to win most wars. 

2. Tactical Combat

Ninja stars were used as tactical combat weapons. These stars could cause slight injuries, but could not kill anyone. These were thrown on the enemies or embedded into the ground. 

In any case, they were great for maiming and distracting the opponents before the start of war. This was a perfect way to gain a tactical advantage over their enemies. 

3. Cosplay

Ninja stars have been used for LARP by cosplayers. Every now and then, they have to become ninja warriors on stage. To play their roles, they need their costumes and weapons. These stars can work for them as the ninja weapons and fulfill their costume needs. 

4. Throwing Sport

Ninja stars are being used for playing throwing sports. A throwing star can work as a throwing knife. It has sharp edges that allow it to stick into a wooden target. This is why people have been using it for playing such games. The rules for throwing games remain the same.

5. Self Defense

Ninja stars can be used for self defense as well. In fact, these are being used for this purpose. They can cause injuries to the attacker and allow the users to battle the attackers from a distance. 

No need to go towards him. Stand at a safe distance and throw these stars on their heads and feet to injure them. This is an ideal way to protect yourself from the attackers. So, these are some of the common uses of ninja throwing stars.

Read: 5 Reasons You Need Brass Knuckles Around Your Knuckles

Monday 3 February 2020

How and When Nunchucks Were Discovered?

Nunchucks or nunchaku is a familiar martial arts weapon these days. It is made of two wooden sticks and a chain or rope is used to connect the two sticks. 

Earlier, the sticks were wooden but today, steel nunchucks are also available in the market. They are similar to traditional ones, but the sticks are made of steel, and connected via a rope or chain. 

Today, there are many uses of this weapon. They are used for cosplay, movies, decor, and self defense etc. 

In America, it became popular when Bruce Lee used it in his movies. He displayed his skills to use it against his enemies in his movies during the 1970s. 

Since this weapon has become extremely popular nowadays. I feel it is necessary to explore its history. Also, considering that it has a very interesting history behind it. So, let’s unveil how it was discovered. 

The Agricultural Tool in the 10th Century

During the 10th century, Chinese used nunchucks as an agricultural tool. It was used by the villagers of China for reaping crops. 

It could easily cut and reap wheat, rice and other crops. So, it was originally not a fighting weapon. Rather, it served as a real agricultural tool.

How the Earliest Nunchaku Looked Like?

The earliest nunchaku looked like a flail and is very close to modern nunchucks. It contained two wooden sticks connected through a rope. 

Since the purpose of this tool was to reap crops, the power of the weapon was immense, However, it was not used for fighting or defense purposes. 

How a Chinese Emperor Discovered its Lethality?

During this time, a Chinese emperor battled Mongolians and eventually lost the battle. As a result, he had to leave his territory and had to march back to the Chinese mainland territory. 

Hence, he stepped back along with his army and settled in a village in the mainland Chinese territory. This is where the villagers fed him and took care of his troops. As a result, the troops assisted the villagers in their routine work. 

The emperor discovered a weapon that looked like a flail. He realized that it can be a lethal weapon that can assist him in battling the Mongolians. Therefore, he decided to make it a pure fighting weapon. 

How Nunchucks Was Used for Fighting?

The Chinese emperor gathered his troops and gave them a nunchaku each. They were asked to train themselves with the weapon. They learned different fighting techniques. 

For a long time, they practiced those fighting techniques. When the emperor thought that the troops were ready to take on the Mongolians, they marched towards them. 

The battle took place, and they managed to defeat them. Thanks to nunchucks, they were able to battle Mongolians and recapture their lost territory. 

Nunchucks Officially Became a Fighting Weapon

After that nunchucks became an official fighting weapon. Even today, it is recognized as a pure fighting and martial arts weapon. Nowadays, it is used for self defense, cosplay and many other purposes. 

Since it provides a longer reach, people are preferring it for self defense. Also, it is a lethal and solid weapon that can defend them against the attackers. 

Cosplayers love to replicate Bruce Lee and hence they use it and showcase their skills of using it on stage to impress their spectators. So, this is how it was discovered as a fighting weapon!

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Monday 18 November 2019

How About Using Shuriken for Self Defense?

Shuriken, also known as ninjas stars or throwing stars, is a small martial art weapon. It was basically a weapon used by ninjas centuries ago.

They used it as a tactical weapon for maiming and distraction during wars.

Shuriken is shaped like a star and there are some sharp edges on it. These edges work like blades and can cause injuries.

Ninjas threw them on their enemies or embedded them in the ground to cause injuries to their heads or feet.

How about using shuriken for self defense? I think it is a great idea. Let’s figure out how it can prove to be handy against the attackers:

You Can Carry Many Shuriken

When you carry a self defense weapon, you carry just one at a time. Sometimes, you need more weapons to deal with the attacker. When you engage in a brawl with him, you are likely to lose your weapon.

So, you need to have a backup weapon.

For this purpose. You can use shuriken. Because it is a small star, you can carry as many as you want.

You can carry them in your pocket or in the dashboard of your car. More weapons means more number of chances to survive.

You Can Target From a Distance

The problem with most self defense weapons is that they need you to get close to the attacker to injure him. This is a dangerous move.

You would never be foolish enough to get close to him. But if you are using a knife or a stun gun, you have to.

With a shuriken, you can avoid going near him. You can throw them from a safe distance and inflict injuries.

Some Training Required

However, to use shuriken for self defense, training is essential. You are not a ninja. You have to learn how to correctly throw them and then practice to gain accuracy in throwing.

This is the only way they can come handy against the attackers.

Read Also: Can Women Use Brass Knuckles for Self Defense?

Thursday 4 July 2019

The Laws and Regulations around Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles are dangerous weapons yet they are very popular and people use them very much as well. They are made up of metal and are designed like knuckles to be worn over them. This weapon is actually used to magnify the power of a punch and this is why it is used mostly in street fights. However, people are also seen using as self-defense weapons. Due to the dangerous nature of knuckle duster, they are illegal in most of the states of the US, one way or the other. Each and every state of the US has different laws related to brass knuckle. 

In this article, I will try to total up the essential info on these rules and rules. Despite restrictions, you will see brass knucks being sold in numerous markets and online stores. These knuckle dusters are sold as many types of fashion accessories and other items as well that you will be amazed to hear about it. Even BeyoncĂ© was noticed sporting brass knucks boots, and yes they look pretty awesome. Some of the states of the US have a lenient outlook on brass knuckles and there are others that strictly forbid the possession of knuckles in any kind. 

1- States with the Minimum Restrictions on Brass Knuckles

If you're living in Georgia and South geographic area of the US, the law is unquestionably on your facet which suggests that you can possess brass knucks. However, it's vital that you just refrain from carrying them with the intention of harming others.It is a common law there, however, for more information, you must check the laws of knuckle duster with local authorities. 

2- States with Somewhat Lenient Rules

The states of Arizona and Louisiana have somewhat relaxed laws and rules regarding brass knucks. The most relaxed rules of knuckles are in South Dakota. In these states, the law does not forbid you from carrying knuckles in a hidden manner; unless, you conceal it with the intention of harming others. If you are doing, therefore, you will be charged with a criminal felony. You can travel with knuckle dusters in Louisiana as long as you are carrying a legal permit of concealed weapon carry. 

3- States Imposing Restrictions on Selling and Carrying

Some states like Massachusetts and New Hampshire are that strict on the laws regarding brass knuckles that they do not permit people from selling brass knuckle let alone carrying or using them. If you do so in such states, then it is a big crime and a violation of the law. In most cases, imprisonment of three years along with a heavy fine is given to such a person.

4- States with the Maximum Restrictions

There also are states that have the strictest rules when it comes to brass knuckles. They will forbid everything from the manufacturing, purchase, selling, buying, carrying, brandishing to the usage of knuckles. Therefore, you have to be very careful in such states and you should be as cautious as to not speak the name of knuckles in such states. Such states include Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kansas, Washington, Nevada, Alaska, Arkansas, and Texas. 

The information given in this blog is subject to change as rules may change, therefore, always double check the laws of your state before buying brass knuckles.

Read Also: Are Stun Guns Good for Self-defense?

Monday 17 June 2019

The Real Ninja Swords: The Two Different School of Thoughts

The Real Ninja swords were the primary weapons of the Ninjas and were their most prized possessions as well. It is well known about these swords that they featured straight blades and square guards. However, if you read through history journals and books and do a little research on the topic, then you will come to know that the real Ninja swords had no such appearance. When it comes to these swords, there are two main opinions of people and hence two schools of thoughts. Let us have a look at both of them. 

1- The First School of Thought

The first school of thought says that the Ninja swords had a distinguishing design that set them apart from all other swords. The Ninja swords actually had those straight blades and square hand guards which allowed them to use the sword for many other purposes apart from self-defense and fighting. Yes, the primary purpose of the sword was to fight and kill but there were some secondary uses of the real Ninja swords as well. The Ninja warriors used these swords to sometimes climb the walls on their secret missions. They used to position the sword vertically on the ground against the wall and then use it as a leverage to climb the wall by putting one foot on the square-shaped guard. 

2- The Second School of Thought

The second school of thought says that Ninjas did not have these swords. The Ninjas were poor peasants and they did not have access to high-quality materials. Secondly, it is a well-known fact that the Ninjas were actually shadow warriors and the whole world knows them by this name. These warriors were mostly hired as spies and they had a hidden nature. They had a natural aptitude of an assassin and this is why they were either hired to assassinate someone or to steal the secrets of the enemies. Then why would they carry a special sword which would give away their true identity? Doesn’t that sound weird to you? This is why these people believe that the Ninjas had no sword of this type. They had normal swords and the Real Ninja swords did not have those square-shaped guards and those straight blades. 

I got quite pulled into this topic and researched a lot on it but I found no such facts stating clearly that which school of thought is right and which is right. There is lots of confusion and as we cannot go back into history, we will just have to conclude the truth by ourselves based on the little information that we actually have on the real Ninja swords. What school of thought do you belong to? Do share your thoughts on this matter!

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