Thursday 27 August 2020

Ninja Stars- A Source of Creativity And Defense

The remarkable and ancient warriors, ninjas were known as the most skillful class of Feudal Japan. Ninjas used various deadly, silent weapons to offend and defend, including ninja stars, ninja swords, and bows, etc.

Ninja star or shuriken is one of the most interesting throwing weapons. To know more about it, continue reading the article until the end.

What Is Shuriken?

It is an inspiring weapon with the simplest making. Shuriken is a sharpened, flat, metal piece with bladed edges. The shape can be circular, triangular, or square, etc. Moreover, the edges depend on the weapon’s type and user’s choice as well.

In the present era, Shurikens are found in a variety of designs in the online market. Some of them are specifically created, while some of them are improvised from different tools. The edges of shuriken are created so sharp that they can easily penetrate inside the skin and can cause deep cuts and damage to its victim.

Sometimes, it can cut arteries and cause severe blood loss of the target. So, such ninja weapons should only be used by a professional thrower.

Shurikens are also typically called throwing stars or ninja stars. Although in the past, they were designed in many different shapes, they are now commonly found in a star shape. As well, they are also available in customized forms as you can select the color and design of your throwing star according to your desires.

In any ninja’s arsenal, throwing stars or Shuriken were used as a supplementary weapon for swords or some other bigger weapons. These weapons possessed a tactical effect in every battle and they were necessary to carry along.

However, the term “Shurikenjutsu” was used for defining the art of making these Shurikens. And later on, this art was taught in different schools of martial arts.

Ninja Stars- A Fine Piece For Your Security:

Not only do they have historic value, but they are a symbol of creativity and perfection. The fine points are sharper enough to stab someone. Ninja stars are beneficial for hand to hand fight or close combat.

The sharp and intricate structure is the secret behind their popularity. You can hide them anywhere, and target your opponent without letting them know.

Incredible Ninja Star Techniques:

You can enjoy different ninja techniques with this vigilant weapon. You can throw it vertically or horizontally, like a frisbee or a knife. There is no perfect way, it is about your personal preferences.

Practice more and determine which tactic works well for you. Conceal a ninja star correctly in your palm, and don't lose the grip.

·         Horizontal Throwing:

If you want to throw it horizontally, hold it between your thumb and index finger. With a good grip, place your right hand on the left side of your body. So, your forearm touches your stomach. Now, throw it to hit your target.

·         Vertical Throwing:

For a vertical throw, you have to place your elbow properly and release the ninja star with the right force. It is all about the timing and tactic.

Both tactics require a tricky wrist flick with a great amount of pressure. Be it horizontal or vertical, it is fun to enjoy different ninja techniques.


Ninja stars are the most impressive and intricate ninja weapons from ancient times to distract the opponent. These are perfect weapons for the ninjutsu martial arts. Just train yourself to handle the grip and practice for the best throw.

So, if you are impressed with this ninja weapon, buy it from a top-ranked seller online and start practicing soon!

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