Monday 17 June 2019

The Real Ninja Swords: The Two Different School of Thoughts

The Real Ninja swords were the primary weapons of the Ninjas and were their most prized possessions as well. It is well known about these swords that they featured straight blades and square guards. However, if you read through history journals and books and do a little research on the topic, then you will come to know that the real Ninja swords had no such appearance. When it comes to these swords, there are two main opinions of people and hence two schools of thoughts. Let us have a look at both of them. 

1- The First School of Thought

The first school of thought says that the Ninja swords had a distinguishing design that set them apart from all other swords. The Ninja swords actually had those straight blades and square hand guards which allowed them to use the sword for many other purposes apart from self-defense and fighting. Yes, the primary purpose of the sword was to fight and kill but there were some secondary uses of the real Ninja swords as well. The Ninja warriors used these swords to sometimes climb the walls on their secret missions. They used to position the sword vertically on the ground against the wall and then use it as a leverage to climb the wall by putting one foot on the square-shaped guard. 

2- The Second School of Thought

The second school of thought says that Ninjas did not have these swords. The Ninjas were poor peasants and they did not have access to high-quality materials. Secondly, it is a well-known fact that the Ninjas were actually shadow warriors and the whole world knows them by this name. These warriors were mostly hired as spies and they had a hidden nature. They had a natural aptitude of an assassin and this is why they were either hired to assassinate someone or to steal the secrets of the enemies. Then why would they carry a special sword which would give away their true identity? Doesn’t that sound weird to you? This is why these people believe that the Ninjas had no sword of this type. They had normal swords and the Real Ninja swords did not have those square-shaped guards and those straight blades. 

I got quite pulled into this topic and researched a lot on it but I found no such facts stating clearly that which school of thought is right and which is right. There is lots of confusion and as we cannot go back into history, we will just have to conclude the truth by ourselves based on the little information that we actually have on the real Ninja swords. What school of thought do you belong to? Do share your thoughts on this matter!

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