Wednesday 13 March 2019

How to Throw a Throwing Axe - Learn the Techniques

A Throwing Axe is one of the historically significant weapons used during the Middle Ages, mainly by knights and the boot soldiers. However, it has more become a sporting tool, and now being used in a popular axe throwing sport. Nowadays, many axe throwing events take place all over the world. The throwers need extraordinary throwing skills to throw them perfectly. There are certain techniques that they use to become master throwers. If you want to master these techniques, here is a brief guide for you. Follow our instructions to learn how to throw an axe accurately

Things You Require

A Throwing Axe

Don’t think that a normal axe would be good for throwing. Throwing axes are specially made axes that offer more accuracy and precision than the ordinary ones. Since you are a beginner trying to learn the throwing techniques, you can use a small hatchet at the start if you don’t have a throwing axe. However, we suggest learn with the real one to learn quickly and with greater efficiency. So, get an axe first before you start learning the throwing methods. 

A Target

In an axe throwing sport, the second thing you require is a target. So, after you get an axe, the second thing you need is a target where you have to throw the axe. Don’t worry if you don’t have a professional target, you can make your own. You can take wood from a local store and make it a target. 

Best Way to Grip the Axe

You must be familiar with the right technique of gripping the axe. The right grip is necessary for precise throws. Have a firm grip on the axe when you pick it. Try to grip it in a way you would grip a baseball bat. Make sure that the blade does not move left or right when you are holding it. It should be straight enough so that when you throw it, its trajectory remains straight and the axe sticks to your target. 

Basic Throwing Technique

  • Hold the throwing axe firmly with both of your hands. Hold it similarly as you hold a baseball bat. Keep the blade absolutely straight. 
  • Now, bring the axe back over the head in a way you would throw a soccer ball from your head. Now, lean back a little. 
  • Bring the throwing axe forward in a pretty fast motion. Now, release the axe with the arms prolonged forward. 

Advanced Throwing Technique

  • Take a close eye on your target and put one of your feet forward. Now, swing the arm down to the side. 
  • Bring the axe up swiftly when it passes your legs. 
  • Bring the axe forward in a way you throw a ball when the axe is above your head. 
  • When the arm gets parallel to the ground, release the throwing axe. Make sure to follow through with the arm for ensuring an appropriate release. 

Ensure Your Safety

An important part of learning the axe throwing techniques is to ensure your safety. You should not just keep yourself safe, but also the surroundings. When someone is near the target, don’t throw the axe. Make sure to keep the 6m area of the surrounding clear. Never sharpen axe blade so much that it becomes a knife and makes you vulnerable to cuts.