Monday 18 November 2019

How About Using Shuriken for Self Defense?

Shuriken, also known as ninjas stars or throwing stars, is a small martial art weapon. It was basically a weapon used by ninjas centuries ago.

They used it as a tactical weapon for maiming and distraction during wars.

Shuriken is shaped like a star and there are some sharp edges on it. These edges work like blades and can cause injuries.

Ninjas threw them on their enemies or embedded them in the ground to cause injuries to their heads or feet.

How about using shuriken for self defense? I think it is a great idea. Let’s figure out how it can prove to be handy against the attackers:

You Can Carry Many Shuriken

When you carry a self defense weapon, you carry just one at a time. Sometimes, you need more weapons to deal with the attacker. When you engage in a brawl with him, you are likely to lose your weapon.

So, you need to have a backup weapon.

For this purpose. You can use shuriken. Because it is a small star, you can carry as many as you want.

You can carry them in your pocket or in the dashboard of your car. More weapons means more number of chances to survive.

You Can Target From a Distance

The problem with most self defense weapons is that they need you to get close to the attacker to injure him. This is a dangerous move.

You would never be foolish enough to get close to him. But if you are using a knife or a stun gun, you have to.

With a shuriken, you can avoid going near him. You can throw them from a safe distance and inflict injuries.

Some Training Required

However, to use shuriken for self defense, training is essential. You are not a ninja. You have to learn how to correctly throw them and then practice to gain accuracy in throwing.

This is the only way they can come handy against the attackers.

Read Also: Can Women Use Brass Knuckles for Self Defense?

Thursday 4 July 2019

The Laws and Regulations around Brass Knuckles

Brass knuckles are dangerous weapons yet they are very popular and people use them very much as well. They are made up of metal and are designed like knuckles to be worn over them. This weapon is actually used to magnify the power of a punch and this is why it is used mostly in street fights. However, people are also seen using as self-defense weapons. Due to the dangerous nature of knuckle duster, they are illegal in most of the states of the US, one way or the other. Each and every state of the US has different laws related to brass knuckle. 

In this article, I will try to total up the essential info on these rules and rules. Despite restrictions, you will see brass knucks being sold in numerous markets and online stores. These knuckle dusters are sold as many types of fashion accessories and other items as well that you will be amazed to hear about it. Even BeyoncĂ© was noticed sporting brass knucks boots, and yes they look pretty awesome. Some of the states of the US have a lenient outlook on brass knuckles and there are others that strictly forbid the possession of knuckles in any kind. 

1- States with the Minimum Restrictions on Brass Knuckles

If you're living in Georgia and South geographic area of the US, the law is unquestionably on your facet which suggests that you can possess brass knucks. However, it's vital that you just refrain from carrying them with the intention of harming others.It is a common law there, however, for more information, you must check the laws of knuckle duster with local authorities. 

2- States with Somewhat Lenient Rules

The states of Arizona and Louisiana have somewhat relaxed laws and rules regarding brass knucks. The most relaxed rules of knuckles are in South Dakota. In these states, the law does not forbid you from carrying knuckles in a hidden manner; unless, you conceal it with the intention of harming others. If you are doing, therefore, you will be charged with a criminal felony. You can travel with knuckle dusters in Louisiana as long as you are carrying a legal permit of concealed weapon carry. 

3- States Imposing Restrictions on Selling and Carrying

Some states like Massachusetts and New Hampshire are that strict on the laws regarding brass knuckles that they do not permit people from selling brass knuckle let alone carrying or using them. If you do so in such states, then it is a big crime and a violation of the law. In most cases, imprisonment of three years along with a heavy fine is given to such a person.

4- States with the Maximum Restrictions

There also are states that have the strictest rules when it comes to brass knuckles. They will forbid everything from the manufacturing, purchase, selling, buying, carrying, brandishing to the usage of knuckles. Therefore, you have to be very careful in such states and you should be as cautious as to not speak the name of knuckles in such states. Such states include Pennsylvania, Illinois, Kansas, Washington, Nevada, Alaska, Arkansas, and Texas. 

The information given in this blog is subject to change as rules may change, therefore, always double check the laws of your state before buying brass knuckles.

Read Also: Are Stun Guns Good for Self-defense?

Monday 17 June 2019

The Real Ninja Swords: The Two Different School of Thoughts

The Real Ninja swords were the primary weapons of the Ninjas and were their most prized possessions as well. It is well known about these swords that they featured straight blades and square guards. However, if you read through history journals and books and do a little research on the topic, then you will come to know that the real Ninja swords had no such appearance. When it comes to these swords, there are two main opinions of people and hence two schools of thoughts. Let us have a look at both of them. 

1- The First School of Thought

The first school of thought says that the Ninja swords had a distinguishing design that set them apart from all other swords. The Ninja swords actually had those straight blades and square hand guards which allowed them to use the sword for many other purposes apart from self-defense and fighting. Yes, the primary purpose of the sword was to fight and kill but there were some secondary uses of the real Ninja swords as well. The Ninja warriors used these swords to sometimes climb the walls on their secret missions. They used to position the sword vertically on the ground against the wall and then use it as a leverage to climb the wall by putting one foot on the square-shaped guard. 

2- The Second School of Thought

The second school of thought says that Ninjas did not have these swords. The Ninjas were poor peasants and they did not have access to high-quality materials. Secondly, it is a well-known fact that the Ninjas were actually shadow warriors and the whole world knows them by this name. These warriors were mostly hired as spies and they had a hidden nature. They had a natural aptitude of an assassin and this is why they were either hired to assassinate someone or to steal the secrets of the enemies. Then why would they carry a special sword which would give away their true identity? Doesn’t that sound weird to you? This is why these people believe that the Ninjas had no sword of this type. They had normal swords and the Real Ninja swords did not have those square-shaped guards and those straight blades. 

I got quite pulled into this topic and researched a lot on it but I found no such facts stating clearly that which school of thought is right and which is right. There is lots of confusion and as we cannot go back into history, we will just have to conclude the truth by ourselves based on the little information that we actually have on the real Ninja swords. What school of thought do you belong to? Do share your thoughts on this matter!

Read Also: Effective Self Defense Weapons in 2019 - Key Recommendations

Thursday 23 May 2019

Uses & Benefits of Throwing Stars

Ninja throwing Stars, Ninja stars and shuriken are all the names entitled to throwing stars. These are the stars once used as tactical weapons in the ancient Japan. Since we have moved to nuclear weapons, such weapons have lost their place in the arsenal of warriors. However, they are still popular because they provide numerous benefits. Throwing stars are highly advantageous weapons that can serve the users in plenty of ways. If you are unsure about why these stars deserve a place in your arsenal, you need to know the unlimited advantages they offer. 

We are revealing several key benefits of ninja stars. They are intended for throwing purposes, but can be adopted as primary fighting weapons. Here is a list of uses and benefits of throwing ninja stars:

  • Tactical Fighting Weapons

The major or the foremost use of throwing stars is the tactical fighting. Remember how they were used in the ancient Japan. The warriors of that time had these stars as their secondary weapons. However, they were used for tactical purposes. They threw them to the enemies to cause injuries. Most of the times, the targets were the face, nose and eyes of the enemies so that a maximum of damage is done. At times, the stars hit the enemies and flew away at a rapid pace leaving them confused about what inflicted the injury. This was a tactical move adopted by those warriors to gain an early advantage in the fights. 

Though the throwing stars were the weapons used for maiming and not killing, they were capable of causing serious damage. They could injure the heads of the enemies and making them incapable of fighting. In addition, these stars were often embedded in the ground to cause injuries to the feet of the enemies as they step on them. So, this was a tactical fighting strategy adopted by the users. You can adopt a similar strategy to fight your opponents. Before launching the attack, first throw some stars to cause injuries, but make sure to target their faces for more damage. 

  • Self Defense

This is a rare benefit of the throwing stars. You may not see people carrying them for self defense, but they can be extremely advantageous in the self defense situations. Well, all the weapons available in the market for defense against the attackers are the ones that require you to get closer to the attacker. But, getting close to the attacker is the last thing you want. You won’t be brave enough to go nearer to him even when you have a weapon in your hands. To me, this makes those weapons slightly ineffective. In my opinion, the best way to defend yourself is by being at some distance from the attacker. For this purpose, you do require a weapon like shuriken. 

Throwing stars let you stay away from the attacker and use the weapon against him. You can be at a safe distance from the attacker and throw the stars to him and cause some damage., This would make the attacker fear you because of your handy weapon. He would run away because getting closer to you shall be dangerous for him. But, before you carry it as your primary self defense weapon, make sure to learn or improve your throwing skills so that you don’t miss your target more often. A couple of strikes would do the job for you. As these stars are small, you can carry many of them in your pockets, bags or car. They are lightweight and comfortable if you carry them in your pocket. Undoubtedly, an ideal self defense weapon!

  • Cosplay

Ninja throwing stars are commonly used in cosplay and LARP. Cosplay is an entertaining activity that involves role-playing. The cosplayers dress up as the characters they are playing. They aldo hold the weapons that are carried by those particular characters. Those who are playing the role of Ninjas tend to use these throwing stars to express themselves as the real Ninjas. Yes, it is essential to have the ninja weapons in your hands when you are costumed as a ninja warrior. Such weapons are quite cool and prove to be a blessing in disguise. They ensure a huge appreciation from the audience. To do justice with themselves, the cosplayers must have these weapons. I would always stand and applaud the cosplayer who gets costume as well as the weapons and does all the hard work of role-playing just to entertain the spectators. 

Another Cool Throwing Sport!

Throwing Sports have become quite popular these days because of the thrill and excitement that they promise. Knife throwing and axe throwing are internationally recognized sports. There are worldwide competitions held in different parts of the world. You must have tried at least of one these sports. But, what if I suggest you another cool throwing sport. Here is an out of the box sporting activity, the throwing stars sport. This may not be a globally recognized sport, but no one will stop you from playing this exciting game with your friends and family members. 

Get some throwing stars and make a target, like you do in other throwing sports. Throw the stars onto the target to see how often you hit the target. It won’t be that straighter like a knife or an axe. However, it would take a lot of practice and skill to hit the target with these stars. If you want to enjoy a holiday or have a memorable time with your mates, play this exciting star throwing game!

Once you get some throwing stars, there are plenty of uses and benefits that you can avail. These would be perfect fighting weapons, useful self defense weapons, and essential cosplay items. Also, they would allow you to engage in the thrilling throwing sport.

Wednesday 13 March 2019

How to Throw a Throwing Axe - Learn the Techniques

A Throwing Axe is one of the historically significant weapons used during the Middle Ages, mainly by knights and the boot soldiers. However, it has more become a sporting tool, and now being used in a popular axe throwing sport. Nowadays, many axe throwing events take place all over the world. The throwers need extraordinary throwing skills to throw them perfectly. There are certain techniques that they use to become master throwers. If you want to master these techniques, here is a brief guide for you. Follow our instructions to learn how to throw an axe accurately

Things You Require

A Throwing Axe

Don’t think that a normal axe would be good for throwing. Throwing axes are specially made axes that offer more accuracy and precision than the ordinary ones. Since you are a beginner trying to learn the throwing techniques, you can use a small hatchet at the start if you don’t have a throwing axe. However, we suggest learn with the real one to learn quickly and with greater efficiency. So, get an axe first before you start learning the throwing methods. 

A Target

In an axe throwing sport, the second thing you require is a target. So, after you get an axe, the second thing you need is a target where you have to throw the axe. Don’t worry if you don’t have a professional target, you can make your own. You can take wood from a local store and make it a target. 

Best Way to Grip the Axe

You must be familiar with the right technique of gripping the axe. The right grip is necessary for precise throws. Have a firm grip on the axe when you pick it. Try to grip it in a way you would grip a baseball bat. Make sure that the blade does not move left or right when you are holding it. It should be straight enough so that when you throw it, its trajectory remains straight and the axe sticks to your target. 

Basic Throwing Technique

  • Hold the throwing axe firmly with both of your hands. Hold it similarly as you hold a baseball bat. Keep the blade absolutely straight. 
  • Now, bring the axe back over the head in a way you would throw a soccer ball from your head. Now, lean back a little. 
  • Bring the throwing axe forward in a pretty fast motion. Now, release the axe with the arms prolonged forward. 

Advanced Throwing Technique

  • Take a close eye on your target and put one of your feet forward. Now, swing the arm down to the side. 
  • Bring the axe up swiftly when it passes your legs. 
  • Bring the axe forward in a way you throw a ball when the axe is above your head. 
  • When the arm gets parallel to the ground, release the throwing axe. Make sure to follow through with the arm for ensuring an appropriate release. 

Ensure Your Safety

An important part of learning the axe throwing techniques is to ensure your safety. You should not just keep yourself safe, but also the surroundings. When someone is near the target, don’t throw the axe. Make sure to keep the 6m area of the surrounding clear. Never sharpen axe blade so much that it becomes a knife and makes you vulnerable to cuts.

Wednesday 2 January 2019

Get in Character with the stylish Cosplay Masks

The modern trend of Cosplay

As October starts, people start thinking about the cosplays and costumes. The people who typically wear t-shirts and jeans suddenly eye masks, wigs, spandex, and capes. They become excited to present them to the world by getting in a different character. The individuals who cosplay accept the challenge of transformation or changing character happily. 

Cosplayers tend to invest significant time, effort, and money to adopt a character and present it in its own unique way. The cosplays nowadays wear different costumes, accessories, and get body and facial prosthetics. One thing that has become pretty popular among the cosplayers is the cosplay mask. 

Mask is one significant item that lets you adopt the style of the character that you are getting in. It plays a key role in making your appearance identical to that particular character. In the current era, you can find hundreds of stylish and cool cosplay masks that would make you look unique. Most of the masks available nowadays resemble the movie and animation characters. People love to wear these masks on Halloween to adopt a different look. However, there is no lack of competition when it comes to styles of masks. 

The love of masks and costumes

You love wearing a mask or a costume on Halloween, Don’t you? It may cause slight discomfort, but you are never reluctant to wear them. The best thing about these masks nowadays is that there is a huge variety to choose from. A wide selection of masks includes variety in terms of designs, styles, and characters. This is the reason why you see people wearing them in days other than Halloween. 

Let’s take a moment to recall this passed Halloween. Did you see anyone without costume or mask? The love for the costumes has enhanced dramatically. Generally, you see kids and youngsters dressed up with costumes. However, the modern trend has even encouraged the elders to celebrate Halloween by wearing masks and costumes. 

Consider any part of the world, the love for the masks and costumes is similar. Halloween has now become a special event all over the globe. You would not see anyone missing the unique celebration of this special day by not wearing a costume. 

Another point worth-mentioning is that reactions are priceless for these outfits. We have competitions here in the United States regarding who dresses up best or who has the most astounding costume. 

Inhabiting the character

When the cosplays select a specific cosplay mask, they are looking to tap into a particular character or a combination of diverse characters. There is something in that character which personally speaks to them. Many people love embracing the fictional characters, but they truly inhibit their role. This is where cosplayers are so special. This is certainly a talent that you can’t underestimate. Inj a sense, they understand the psychology of getting in that character. 

For instance, there are Zombie masks, crossbones masks, and skull masks that are difficult to be presented. However, cosplayers truly portray these characters by wearing the masks and presenting the characters to the people. Also, fantasy masks such as a Batman mask is a challenging one for the cosplayers.

Inhabiting the character is never short of fun and enjoyment. At the same time, there are people who express what coming to fore when they wear a mask. When cosplayers wear a Batman mask, they determine their traumatic experiences. This is significantly inspiring for them. So, if you really want to inhabit a character, do it by wearing a costume or a mask. 

Read More: 5 Amazing Facts about Ninjas and Ninja Stars