Thursday 29 November 2018

What are the Most Ferocious Ninja Weapons?

Ninja weapons have always been capturing everyone's imagination; the ninja weapons have always been linked to mystery and stealthy deaths. Ninjas and the Samurais have always been the center of much attention since the ancient times of Japan. The below-given list comprises some of the most ferocious and iconic ninja weapons.

1. Manriki-Gusari

This is one of the most versatile and ferocious ninja weapons; the Manriki-Gusari is a weapon that has been specifically designed for the purpose of whipping, throwing, and strangulation. This weapon comprises a chain with weights attached to both ends of the chain. This weapon was supposed to be held in hand and was frequently used in the era of ancient feudal Japan. There were numerous ways for the construction of the Manriki-Gusari, and there were no set rules accordingly. Various weights and chain lengths could be used. However, typically the chain length ranged between 12 and 48 inches.

2. The Kama

These Ninja weapons were deemed as miniature scythes that were much similar to the farming tools of their contemporary time. The kama was not only easy to carry but also easy to hide and conceal-carry. Originally, this ninja weapon was specifically designed for farming purposes of cutting rice before making a couple of changes and transforming it into the ferocious ninja weapons as we know them today. Even today, the Kama is often included in martial arts and other training sessions. The wielder of these ninja weapons can opt of using them as a pair or as a single fighting tool.

3. Niko Te: The Ninja Glove

Did you know that female Ninjas existed and that they had their own preferences with regard to ninja weapons? Niko Te was widely favored by the female Ninjas which was a glove made of iron; the sharp claws of the iron glove were often dipped in poisonous substances as well in order to ensure the death of the victim. It seems like the ninjas chose their ferocious and brutal tactics quite wisely and tactfully.

4. The Metsubishi Powder

Blinding techniques such as the Metsubishi were also part of the essential Ninja weapons. The purpose of this weapon was to temporarily blind the victims by causing disorientation and confusion. The powder allowed the Ninja time to maneuver a deadly blow on the confused and disoriented victims.

5. The Kakute

This spiked ring was also part of the Ninja weapons and arsenal. Similar to the iron-glove this spiked ring was dipped in poison as well in order to impart maximum damage to the opponent. The spiked ring was used for various purposes, such as tearing and ripping the skin; eventually, the additional poison leads to the death of the victim. 

Typically, the kakute was kept concealed on the inside of the hand while wearing it on the middle finger; however, whenever the situation required, the Kakute could be effectively used as some sort of brass knuckles. It was in the form of knuckle dusters that the Kakute did impart the most brutal damage to the opponents while hitting the most sensitive parts of their faces, such as eyes, nose, and ears.

6. The Shuriken

The shuriken is one of the most well-known ninja weapons to date; also known as throwing stars, the shuriken have been featured in many of the ninja movies and animated series. These throwing ninja stars could be effectively carried as concealed weapons; these also served for creating hurdles and obstacles in the paths of the opponents. These Ninja weapons were the true representative of the ninja essence with regard to their maneuverability: these were silent, lethal, and precise.

Thanks to movies and games on martial arts and other legendary ninja stories dating back to the ancient feudal Japan, ninja weapons as well as the Ninjas themselves have become a vital part of today's modern and popular culture. Even after centuries, ninjas have captured and impacted the imaginations of many resulting in the various anime series that feature ninjas and their amazing ninja weapons. 

The essential features of ninjas and real ninja weapons are stealth and their indestructibility. There are quite a few people living in the Asian continent who claim to have had grand forefathers that were Ninjas; the credibility of such claims is unknown.